#!/usr/bin/env bash # Environment setup redone in bash, because using call in Python is lame # Basic requirements - bash, sudo (Also make sure your user has sudo privileges!) # a die function as always die() { printf '%s\n' "$@" >&2 exit 1 } # Some variable(s) userdistro="NULL" repo="git://github.com/staticsafe/dotfiles.git" portpath="/opt/local/bin/port" # This is the default install directory for the MacPorts port binary, you may find this useful. # Lets get this party on the road, shall we? sudocheck() { hash sudo &>/dev/null || die 'sudo does not exist, exiting' printf '%s\n' "sudo check : PASSED" } distrocheck() { hash apt-get &>/dev/null && userdistro="Debian" # For Debian based distros. hash yum &>/dev/null && userdistro="Fedora" # For RHEL/CentOS/Fedora hash pacman &>/dev/null && userdistro="Arch" # For Arch Linux hash pkg_add &>/dev/null && userdistro="FreeBSD" # For FreeBSD } installpackages() { if [[ "$userdistro" == "Debian" ]]; then sudo apt-get install --assume-yes vim zsh tmux git subversion mercurial most python-pip elif [[ "$userdistro" == "Fedora" ]]; then sudo yum install -y vim zsh tmux git subversion mercurial most python-pip elif [[ "$userdistro" == "Arch" ]]; then sudo pacman --noconfirm -S vim zsh tmux git mercurial subversion most python-pip elif [[ "$userdistro" == "FreeBSD" && $(uname -s) == "FreeBSD" ]]; then sudo pkg_add -r vim zsh tmux git subversion mercurial most py27-pip else printf '%s\n' "Your distro's package manager is not supported in this script, continuing with changing shell & linking dotfiles." fi } changeshell() { if [[ $SHELL == $(command -v zsh) ]]; then printf '%s\n' "Your default shell is already zsh, continuing." else chsh -s $(command -v zsh) printf '%s\n' "Default shell changed to zsh, logout and login to see changes" fi } linkfiles() { #find ~/dev/dotfiles -type f -name ".*" -execdir ln -s -f {} # --target-directory=$HOME \; # removed until I can figure out the issue ln -sf ~/dev/dotfiles/.zshrc $HOME/ ln -sf ~/dev/dotfiles/.vimrc $HOME/ ln -sf ~/dev/dotfiles/.tmux.conf $HOME/ ln -sf ~/dev/dotfiles/.conkyrc $HOME/ ln -sf ~/dev/dotfiles/.zsh $HOME/ ln -sf ~/dev/dotfiles/.vim $HOME/ touch ~/.zhistory } getdotfiles() { if [[ -d ~/dev/dotfiles ]]; then cd ~/dev/dotfiles git pull linkfiles else mkdir ~/dev cd ~/dev git clone $repo linkfiles fi } sudocheck distrocheck installpackages changeshell getdotfiles exec zsh