# append command to history file once executed setopt inc_append_history # Do not write events to history that are duplicates of previous events setopt HIST_IGNORE_DUPS # When searching history don't display results already cycled through twice setopt HIST_FIND_NO_DUPS # Remove extra blanks from each command line being added to history setopt HIST_REDUCE_BLANKS setopt APPEND_HISTORY setopt EXTENDED_HISTORY setopt EXTENDED_GLOB setopt AUTO_CD # display PID when suspending processes as well setopt longlistjobs # try to avoid the 'zsh: no matches found...' setopt nonomatch # Turn off flow control setopt noflowcontrol # report the status of backgrounds jobs immediately setopt notify # whenever a command completion is attempted, make sure the entire command path # is hashed first. setopt hash_list_all