# mastible An Ansible playbook to install Mastodon ## Requirements - Latest stable version of Ansible (this was tested with Ansible 2.4) - Server(s) running Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 LTS for hosting Mastodon ## Instructions for running this playbook (first time install) - Copy group_vars/all.sample to group_vars/all and edit it to specify the database name you wish to use with Mastodon. LOCAL_DOMAIN value is mandatory, it is your instance domain/sub-domain. **The PostgreSQL database role will drop this database in preparation for Mastodon's database setup so make sure this is not a database you are currently using** - Copy roles/mastodon-config/templates/.env.production.sample to roles/mastodon-config/templates/.env.production, edit with all relevant details. - Make a hosts file that looks like this: ``` [mastodon] dev.example.social ``` - Run the playbook with `ansible-playbook -i hosts --extra-vars='install=true' site.yml` ## Instructions for using this playbook to update an existing instance - Update version number in roles/mastodon-app/tasks/main.yml - Run the playbook with `ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml` (**Note the lack of the install variable which is needed for installation related tasks**)