# Copy this file to .env.production in the same directory and then begin editing # Your Redis host REDIS_HOST= # Your Redis port REDIS_PORT=6379 # Your PostgreSQL host DB_HOST=/var/run/postgresql # Your PostgreSQL user DB_USER=mastodon # Your PostgreSQL DB name DB_NAME=mastodon_production # Leave DB password empty DB_PASS= # Your DB_PORT DB_PORT=5432 # Your instance's domain (Don't modify this, we get this from a variable) LOCAL_DOMAIN={{ mastodon_hostname }} # We have HTTPS enabled LOCAL_HTTPS=true # Application secrets # Generate each with `RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake secret` on # the Mastodon host PAPERCLIP_SECRET= SECRET_KEY_BASE= OTP_SECRET= # Web Push VAPID keys # Generate with `web-push generate-vapid-keys` on Mastodon host and then # fill the following out VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY= VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY= # All SMTP details, Mailgun and Sparkpost have free tiers SMTP_SERVER= SMTP_PORT= SMTP_LOGIN= SMTP_PASSWORD= SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS=