
17 lines
806 B

# mastible
An Ansible playbook to install Mastodon
## Instructions for running this playbook
- Copy group_vars/all.sample to group_vars/all, edit with your own instance's domain/sub-domain
- Copy roles/mastodon-config/templates/.env.production.sample to roles/mastodon-config/templates/.env.production, edit with all relevant details
- The application secrets in that file can be generated using the `pwgen` utility found in the package repositories, exact command would be `pwgen 150 3`
- The VAPID keys can be generated using the web-push package from NPM, install this on your Ansible bastion host or the Mastodon server and put the values in .env.production
- Make a hosts file that looks like this:
- Run the playbook with `ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml`